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Your school can invite Andrew Hampton (Founder of Girls on Board) to deliver an INSET session to your staff.

  • A minimum of 4½ hours plus one hour for breaks is needed for this training. A usual INSET day runs from 10:00 am until 3:30; but timings can be negotiated to suit your school.
  • There is no limit to the number of staff that can be trained in one day. Schools with more than 50 staff being trained will be surcharged £60 plus VAT to reflect the additional costs of resources.
  • Every staff member who completes the training will receive paper and digital resources enabling them to use the Girls on Board approach with confidence.

INSET training costs £1,200 plus VAT, plus travel. Schools must be within two hours travel from South East Essex. If your school is further away, see “Max-out Licence” offer below.

More information
This training is focused on learning how to deliver the Girls on Board approach. Schools booking this INSET need to be prepared to commit to rolling out Girls on Board across all year groups above Year 2. This is not just skill-enhancing training.

For more information, and to book INSET training, get in touch via info@girlsonboard.co.uk

“Max-out Licence”
For schools that are more than two hours travel from South East Essex but need more than 10 teachers to be trained we offer the Max-out Licence. For the same price as an INSET day (£1,200 plus VAT) but without any additional travel costs, you can purchase an unlimited number of online training tickets for the staff from your school. The Max-out Licence is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. The price includes the ordinary Licence and all its benefits too, which include half-price online training for ever. So when the Max-out Licence expires your school is still future-proofed with half-price training for new staff. Get in touch with info@girlsonboard.co.uk if you’re interested in purchasing a Max-out Licence.